Working in partnership for your daughter’s future
The aim of the PTA is to provide a variety of enjoyable events that bring the school community together. These events help fundraise for additional services and opportunities that enhance our daughters’ experiences at school.
Our key annual events include a ball, a Junior School Family Fun Night and the Spring Fair. We also run the 300 Club – a small society lottery – and the WGS Sustainable Uniform Store. Families are able to purchase high quality pre-owned uniform at no more than 25% of the original purchase price.
All Withington parents and guardians are automatically members of the WGS PTA. You can support the PTA by joining the committee, attending events, volunteering, donating raffle prizes or sharing new ideas. We meet twice a year and you are warmly invited to attend.
We are all striving to ensure our daughters enjoy the best experiences and all offers of help are most welcome.
Rashmi Dev-Jairath
Chair of Withington PTA