Our Pastoral Care
- Our dedicated Sixth Form team offers personalised support to take care of your wellbeing and progress in a one-to-one setting.
- You’ll be allocated a form with a Form Tutor at the start of Year 12 for the duration of Sixth Form.
- The Form Tutors see students every day and guide them through these two years.
- In addition to the pastoral team, our health team provides invaluable pastoral support, as well as addressing medical issues.
- The School Counselling service provides an important additional service to students who may benefit.
- You’ll continue to take part in the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) programme which contributes to personal development and understanding of the world.
- You’re actively encouraged to take part in regular exercise and, following an induction, have use of our onsite fitness facilities.
- We run dedicated days and events for you to explore different aspects of wellbeing and reflect on ways to maintain a healthy balance across all aspects of your life.