Junior Heritage Day

On Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th January, Withington’s Junior School pupils were taken back in time during Junior Heritage Days! Each Form from the Junior school visited the newly refurbished Founders’ Room to learn more about the History of Withington Girls’ School.


Miss Brown, who takes care of the archives, had she set up a series of activities for the girls to take part in.

First, the girls were able to explore around the room and had a look at all the different artefacts. There are many items on display, ranging from portraits to old newsletters and science equipment. The girls all had a lot of questions!


A few girls got to try on uniforms that dated back to the mid-1900s; they looked very different than our uniforms today. After that, each class compared photos of the pupils from 100 years ago to photos of the Junior School pupils today.

It was an interesting and informative day. The girls had excellent questions and very much enjoyed learning about Withington’s fascinating history.


This is what Lower IY had to say about it!

“I saw a melted computer and wondered where it could be from. We found out that there was a fire at Withington in the early 2000s and the computer was partially burned in it.”

“I loved looking at the portraits of all the founders of our school!”

“WE learned that there was once boys attending WGS because, during the war, their school had was bombed and they needed somewhere to attend school whilst their building was fixed!”

“I loved sketching the old uniform, some of it was very different from today’s uniform”

“I enjoyed looking at all the old paintings, dating back to the 1900s.”

“I learnt that Mrs Burrows was Head Girl at Withington a long time ago!”

“I really enjoyed looking at all of the old historical artefacts and guessing what they were used for.”

2We got to try on some of the old uniforms and it was really fun!”

“We saw how different the reports were back in the early 1900’s. They were all handwritten, in a big book, it was so interesting!”
