A stable careers programme
Our varied programme embeds careers education within subject and PSHCE lessons, Sixth Form enrichment and whole school activities, such as guest speakers.
“We’re starting to think about your daughter’s future before she is, and we’re here to provide insight and inspiration at every stage of her Senior School experience.”
Ms Nicola Kober
Head of Futures
0161 244 1077
From dedicated careers sessions in lessons, to career focused events and conventions, we provide a range of opportunities to learn about different courses and careers, explore options and hear from inspirational role models, including Withington alumnae and parents.
Combined with information on GCSE and A Level options and invaluable insights from work experience and shadowing, we will ensure your daughter is in the best possible position to make informed decisions about her future.
And of course, all our activities are underpinned by the Gatsby benchmarks – the gold standard of careers guidance.
If you can provide any support with our Futures programme, we’d love to hear from you. We promote a wide variety of pathways available to young people, work with employers to provide meaningful experiences, and work with parents, alumnae and other supporters to arrange guest speakers and positive role models.
Our varied programme embeds careers education within subject and PSHCE lessons, Sixth Form enrichment and whole school activities, such as guest speakers.
Our pupils investigate these ideas through workshops and by access to individual career-matching tools which contain up-to-date labour market information.
We provide opportunities to find out about university, apprenticeships and other pathways through PSHCE lessons to ensure pupils know what future choices are available to them. Any pupil can make an appointment with the Head of Futures when they are ready.
Our teachers champion their subjects beyond the curriculum and we enhance the links to careers through our many extra-curricular societies.
Through visits, guest speakers, mock interviews, alumnae and parent support, our pupils gain an understanding of the world of work. Our biennial Futures Convention allows pupils to engage with employers from a wide variety of sectors.
Pupils are supported in arranging work experience, volunteering placements and insight programmes to gain valuable employability skills from Year 11 onwards.
Our pupils explore their opportunities beyond Withington by attending external open events. Our Year 12 students attend the Manchester UCAS convention and other opportunities are highlighted for them to discover their next steps.
Every pupil is introduced to the Head of Futures during their first week in Year 7. Careers education is explored in termly assemblies and activities tailored to each year group. Our Head of Futures arranges one to one meetings with all pupils before GCSE and post-16 choices are made, as well as having a ‘drop-in’ policy for pupils to gain more support when they are ready to take the next step in their journey.