Drama Showcase & Studio Gig | Withington Girls' School

Drama Showcase & Studio Gig

July 12, 2024

The Drama Showcase took place on the final Wednesday of term, drawing in over 100 students, families, staff and friends. The event focused on celebrating the outstanding work created by Years 7-10 students during their Drama lessons. Unlike other subjects where parents can see students’ work at home, Drama students perform their work live in class, making this a unique opportunity for parents to witness their achievements.

Over 70 pupils participated in 17 different pieces of drama during the evening, which also provided the ideal occasion to showcase the silent movies independently written, performed, filmed, and edited by our Year 8 students.

Shortly after, guests gathered in the Studio for even more entertainment. Taking to the stage were WGS’s very own Garage Bands. Performing a number of songs, each band put on a fantastic show. All in all, it was a highly enjoyable evening of drama and music.