“Nurturing self-belief seems to be key to academic success – girls being encouraged to feel ‘I can do it’.”
The Good Schools Guide
That means the girls investigate a broad spectrum of subjects in as much depth as possible.
All pupils have five weekly PE lessons; two weekly class music lessons; and the introduction of a different language in each year group. Our Thinking and Learning lessons help the girls in their quest for creative answers to ‘Big Questions’. There’s also a continuous programme of PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) where girls join discussions, ask questions and value each others’ opinions.
Overall, this stimulating and challenging curriculum encourages intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and, most of all, a genuine love of learning. We enhance the classroom experience by offering exciting trips (including residentials) out of school and bringing in interesting visitors.
We also have close links with the Senior School – so we share specialist teachers and use of facilities, particularly in subjects such as Computing, Sciences, Languages and Music.
Finally, all Junior pupils bring a fully charged mobile device into school every day. Our philosophy is to use technology wherever it is the best tool for learning.