Staff & Governors | Withington Girls' School

Staff & Governors

Senior Leadership Team

Portrait of Mrs Sarah Haslam Mrs Sarah Haslam Headmistress
Portrait of Ms Jen Baylis Ms Jen Baylis Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Portrait of Mr Tom Bennett Mr Tom Bennett Deputy Head (Academic)
Portrait of Mr Robert Grant Mr Robert Grant Interim Bursar
Portrait of Mrs Ellie Clark Mrs Ellie Clark Head of Junior School
Portrait of Mrs Julia Johnston Mrs Julia Johnston Assistant Head (Pastoral)
Portrait of Dr Sue Madden Dr Sue Madden Assistant Head
Portrait of Ms Elizabeth Robinson Ms Elizabeth Robinson Director of Sixth Form
Portrait of Mrs Esther Suttle  Mrs Esther Suttle Assistant Head (Academic)


Mr Malcolm Pike, Chair

Mr Andrew Chicken, Chair of the Education Committee

Mr Chris Poston, Finance Governor and Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee

Dr Jane Allred

Dr Rashmi Dev-Jairath, PTA Chair

Mr Martin Griffin

Mrs Diane Hawkins

Professor David Leigh

Dr Louise Maynard-Atem

Mr Ashvin Pathak

Mr Howard Sinclair

Mrs Sally Stuffins

Mr Martyn Torevell


To contact Mr Malcolm Pike, Chair of the School’s Governing Body, please send a letter to: 

Mr Malcolm Pike 
Chair of Governors 
c/o Mr Robert Grant 
Clerk to the Governors 
Withington Girls’ School 
100 Wellington Road 
M14 6BL 

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