Year 6 Adventure at Winmarleigh Hall

Extracts from a report by Sophia and Meira, Year 6

As I stepped on the bus the uncontrollable excitement overcame me like a Tsunami crashing towards the shore. The voices around me blurred as my mind focused on the prospect of arriving at Winmarleigh and being with my best friends. I sat next to two of my friends Oonagh and Lucy. After an hour of travelling we arrived and were shown to THE DORMS! We buzzed excitedly as we waited and sure enough after a bit the results came…… I was with all my friends! My mind scanned through all of the midnight feasts and parties that we would have, until my fizz was flattened with a reminder of “No eating in your dorms or staying up after lights out.”

After a well-deserved lunch we covered ourselves in warm clothing all set for Jacob’s ladder and Sensory Trail. Jacob’s ladder consisted of many logs of varied distances. I was quite scared of heights so did not make it to the top but enjoyed it all the same. After this we were handed over to another instructor called Rachael for sensory trail. This was slightly scarier, nothing involving heights but solely relying on your friends and partners. You were blindfolded and also had to rely on your other four senses (other than taste!) We played some games such as `Hug the tree` and `Line dances` we then went through a difficult trail through the woods assisted by the instructor that, when we took the blindfold off, was very easy. We headed back to the main building, changed into our indoor shoes and headed to tea. After this we got changed for Ambush. Ambush was hide and seek in the dark and was very fun.

Then we slept in our dorms and woke in the morning, ready for breakfast and a load of cool activities. The next day went past in a blur. Breakfast, Trapeze, Low Ropes, Lunch followed by Coding with robots and Problem Solving. Then the one we’ve all been waiting for… DISCO! An evening filled with dancing, table football, table tennis, drawing, conga, singing, screaming and ear-splitting music that made you run to the quiet room. We were left feeling drained and fell quickly asleep.

I wolfed down my breakfast knowing the drill by now and set off wondering what would be my next activity. I thought there could be no more as we had already done so much. I was wrong. I walked into a field where a gigantic tower and a thin piece wire stood … But … Surprisingly the zip wire was quite fun after I got over my fears. After a challenging scramble up the climbing wall, it was time to get back on the coach and head back to School.