The Geography of Manchester City Centre

This A2 Fieldwork was to study the flow of pedestrians around the city centre and find evidence to analyse if the old model of a ‘distance decay pattern’ still applies, or if the areas of regeneration have created a new pattern and whether a new CBD (Central Business District) model needs to be devised.

Lots of quantitative data was collected to ensure we could be objective and test our results statistically. Students also had to gather a ‘sense of place’ of various contrasting areas of the city centre that had changed so dramatically in the last 15 years.

For morning break we sampled the delights of Teacup, a café in the Northern Quarter.

The girls themselves had to come up with inventive methods that extracted people’s thoughts and feelings about their environment. Tablet technology was a useful tool for lots of images and recording interviews as well as mapping our counted data at the location on a Google Earth image. Mrs Julie Buckley Head of Geography